Jazz Animal Collection
Shorty Bear
A-Shorty, A-Shorty, A-Shorty... Bear!
This little fellow is sure to bring a smile on your face. For Swing dancers and lovers of Bears! Shorty George is a classic Jazz dance step named after George 'Shorty' Snowden who reputedly named the Lindy Hop dance in 1927. Check me out here.
Stompin' Eli
Stomp & Shimmy with Stompin’ Eli
This big fella loves to dance! For Swing dancers and lovers of Elephants! Stomin’ Eli is the first Jazz dance step from the classic routine known as the Shim Sham. The original routine created by Leonard Reed & Willie, Bryant in 1927, was a simple tap dance that all the cast could do at the end of a show they were in. It’s also a must know routine for Lindy Hoppers across the world. Check me out here.
Charleston Charlie
Take it away, boys!
This dapper little Penguin loves to dance the Charleston. The dance was popularised in the 1923 Broadway musical Running Wild and came to epitomise the carefree Jazz Age. This is one for all you Flappers & Sheiks!
Check me out here.
Freddie & Frida
Truck on down with these two hip Frogs!
No one knows the exact origin of this stylish strut, but some say the dance step was created in Harlem, New York during the late 20s by out of work dancers working as waiters who would try and make a few extra tips by entertaining the crowds. The waggling index finger represents a spinning tray and the other arm folded as though holding a towel.These Frogs will make a splash on the dance floor. Check us out here.
Kit & Kat
These cool cats love to Ride The Pony, one of the classic dance steps from the 1930s popular dance craze the Big Apple. The step took its inspiration from the westerns of the time. Check us out here.
Bees Knees Louise
Bees Knees Louise is a party girl and a thoroughly modern Flapper! This little Lemur thinks she’s Josephine Baker and this crazy Charleston knee step is definitely the Cat’s Pyjamas. Following the introduction of the Charleston in the 1923 show Runnin’ Wild, the dance became an immediate sensation.
Check us out here.
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About the Artist...
Mariela Malova
Mariela is a London-based artist, designer and illustrator – and also a keen Swing dancer!
She recently illustrated two books:
Dark Lines of London & Raggedy Man Tales.
For the Jazz Animals series, she combined her love of dance, animals & illustration, exclusively for SwingdanceUK!